We offer you a wealth of legal information, endeavouring to keep you informed and offer you advice from our team of specialised lawyers.
At GLG Legal Springfield solid decisions are key to our success and to yours. We have provided a list of helpful links that will assist you with additional information and related resources to help you.
Australian Institute of Family Studies
The following online legal information resources may be helpful:
Family Relationships Advice Line (phone 1800 050 321) – provides information on family relationship issues and advice on parenting arrangements after separation. It can also refer callers to local services that can provide relevant assistance.
Family Violence Law Help covers how domestic and family violence intersects with family law, child protection and domestic violence protection orders, as well as where to get help Australia-wide. The illustrated website can be translated into over 20 different languages, and has individual factsheets for each page that can be downloaded and printed.
Foolkit – an extensive website that provides practical how-to guides and links to various areas of the law, including finding the right lawyer, preparing your own legal documents and the rules of each Court. The site has information for both lawyers and the general public and covers each State and Territory.
Australia LII – publishes a vast amount of public legal information such as legislation (all Australian jurisdictions), treaties and decisions of courts and tribunals, and legal materials created by public bodies, such as law reform and royal commission reports. It also provides plain-English guides to the law.
ComLaw – publishes Commonwealth legislation.
Commonwealth Legal Financial Assistance – information on statutory and non-statutory legal financial assistance schemes administered by the Commonwealth Attorney-General’s Department.
The Queensland Law Handbook – Caxton Legal Centre Inc
Supreme Court Library Queensland – Virtual Legal Library
World LII list of law journals
Lex Scripta Legal Dictionary list
WorldLII encyclopedia & dictionary list
The links in this section will take you to Web sites not owned or operated by GLG Legal. GLG Legal Springfield is not responsible for the condition of these links or the information they provide. If you would like to report an issue with one of these links or the information displayed please contact us.
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If you have a question, want some more information or would just like to speak to someone, make an enquiry now and we’ll be in touch with you as soon as possible.